
Monday, August 25, 2014

Fall Migration is on the Way.

It's the time of year that we've been waiting for - when birds of all sizes begin to move south. Some just go a few miles but others make majestic journeys across the globe. There are many globe trotting species such as the Northern wheatear -  a small thrush that will migrate back to its wintering grounds in the plains of Africa, the Whimbrel - a shorebird that will go from it's breeding grounds in Alaska and northern Canada to northern South America, and the Arctic tern - the bird that makes the largest migration in the world - from the northern parts of Europe, Asia and North America to the southern Antarctic, not my idea of a summer holiday. The flyways of the world are the routes that migratory birds take to get from their wintering grounds to their breeding grounds or vice versa. There are eight  flyways in the world: the Mississippi Americas flyway, the East Atlantic flyway, the Atlantic Americas flyway, Pacific Americas flyway, Black Sea Mediterranean flyway, East Africa West Asia flyway, Central Asia flyway and the East Asia Australian flyway.
Enjoy it while it lasts!

1 comment:

  1. I love watching the migration of birds. I especially liked your phrase "majestic journeys", since that is what they are in reality.
